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Music of Bruno Menny - music electroacoustic of the years 80-90
as well as a composition of piano                                   

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Innovations éléctros and piano 2006 - 2 minutes extracts each one:

Other acoustic extracts éléctro of the years 80-90:

But which is Bruno Menny? 

Bruno Menny is a sound engineer, which also developed talents
as well in the field of the electroacoustic music to the piano.
Its to premir disc, “Cosmography”, left at the beginning of the Seventies

It in addition composed of the parts of piano and other pieces
éléctro acoustic in the years 80-90.

I am one from his two boy, Sacha, and I decided to put his talent at hard test.

Here a paragraph resulting from a published article a few years ago, reporting one evening birthday of “Blue Label”,
who particularly was successful. 
 Portal, Texier, Humair, Romano and the others were festival.

Here low, the french portrait of one of festive of this hour, Bruno Menny:


articleBruno et moi

you can write with Bruno or me to even bring your suggestions, or to sign the gold book

My work - innovations kosmo

My work - files